Massage Therapy

Custom massages to help keep your body working

Massage Therapy

One massage does not fit all.

With your input, we create a personalized massage session that addresses your specific needs.

A routine of regular massage therapy can have real, long-lasting health benefits

Every body is different, every massage should be too

No two people are the same. That’s why no two massages should be the same. Your massage therapist will pull from various massage techniques – trigger point, deep tissue, etc. – and incorporate them into your massage to address your needs. At Norris Mental Health Center, LLC , it’s all about you.

Pricing and Location:
50 minute massage (any type) - $70

Location: 7340 E Caley Ave, Suite 300, Centennial, CO 80111

Schedule/Contact Information:
If you would like more information or to schedule your massage email Lindsay Cole at or call the office at 720.598.5512.